Hello and welcome to my first website!

I'm Jed, and I'm a senior high school student raised in Tunisia, currently frequenting an Ontario High School in Canada. I'm pretty interested in computer science, math, physics, chem, you know, the STEM related stuff. For the past few years I've been coding in my spare time simply because I find it very entertaining and fun.

On this website, you'll find my personal blogs and projects that I'v made over the years. Most of them are going to be talking about game development or graphics programming, because that's what I enjoy most.

I'll keep this first blog post very short, since I don't have much to talk about anyways. I'll use this one to get familiar with Zola and Serene and SSG webdev in general (I've never touched a single html file or css file in my life so this is all very new to me). I will be posting more blog posts about my game engine and other projects later down the line, but for now, I'm going to keep this website simple and clean (or well, I'll try lol).

Also if you have not noticed already I have a VTuber as profile picture. I have no shame, pride, nor any reason not to put my favourite VTuber.

I love you Shirakami Fubuki. You are the only light in my world.